A Quick Little Session

Stole a quick hour to paddle out and catch some waves.  Still have a lot of work to do today, so I forewent video and pics (sorry) to help save time.  What a fun little day it was.  The waves were great 2-3s with some bigger set waves on occasion. The water was clear, the…

New Wetsuit at Crabs

I’d gone up to Harbour Surf Shop to see about getting O’Neill to repair my torn wetsuit.  Probably they will, but the catch is that my suit will be in the shop for 4 weeks or so.  With the water temps in the mid 50s I was not too keen on sending it off.  But,…

Edge of My Comfort Zone

Oh how things can change when you are gone for a few days.  I was camping with my family this weekend (awesome). When I left on Friday the waves were waist-high at best.  Today they were waist-high at worst.  Today’s sets came in easily at the shoulder-to-head range and were often overhead.  The forecast indicates…

Same Summer Surf

The good news is that the sun has been out for two days straight, like it’s summer or something!  Otherwise, today’s session offered nothing unique to anything else I’ve been getting over the last few weeks.  Water is still in the VERY low 60s, but with the sun is out it a lot of  hot…

More Will Than Waves

While on a conference call this afternoon the power went out.  I immediately took that as a sign from Poseidon that I was supposed to go back out and surf.  As fast as I could I got my trunks on and my bike loaded before the power came back on. But the afternoon winds blew…