Thundering Freight Trains in Huntington

Oh my!  Those waves were some kind of crazy out there.  The waves were peeling south from the pier – just tearing down the line with terrible vengeance and fuuurious anger.  What made it extra terrifying was that I got down to the beach at extreme low tide so these waves were breaking over minimal water. Over head waves and low tide is a recipe to get drilled into the sand.  Not to mention I hadn’t been out in a week. (I know the pictures don’t look like it was nuts out there, but it was, I assure you.)

But I played it smart and stayed patient.  I scored some choice waves.  I drove hard down a nice right and pig-dogged a couple lefts.  It felt good to be back in the water and felt even better not being beat into the sand.

After winning the wave jackpot, I scored in the bonus round when this kindly random family handed me a fish taco on my way out of the water.  They were a vacationing family and had ordered too much food.  They said, “better you eat it than us giving it to the seagulls.”  I couldn’t agree more.  It was delicious.

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