Oh So Secure
The other day I was working on my computer (working hard at not posting anything on my site). My wife, Miranda Kopfschmertzen, walked past me and commented about how long my hair is getting. Ten minutes later, I had pigtails.
So, this isn’t a surf film, per se, but it is surfing on film…and it’s totally awesome. I do not really know where this originated, but a friend sent me a link to this awesome video today. Some guys with a high-speed camera captured some excellent tube riding. Kudos to BBC Two for funding this…
Many, many days ago I was at Del Taco eating burritos (as per usual). For entertainment during mastication, I was watching The Rest of Everest podcast on my iPhone.During a bite of my delicious half-pound bean and cheese burrito with red sauce, my Del Taco receipt caught my eye. It was flipped over, and the…
While driving to Fridays at El Porto this morning, I had a star sighting at Rosecrans and Sepulveda. Granted it was only a star to me, but awesome all the same.I pulled up to the intersection. A car pulled up in the left turn lane. I took fleeting glance at the guy driving. I thought…
A bunch of these critters moved in across the way. Their mailbox reads “Eastern Fox Squirrels.” I’ve tried to introduce myself to them, but they remain standoffish.
Seriously, has marriage become so comical? Surely we (as a society) can let gays in on this action.
My wife, Miranda Kopfschmertzen, and I had dinner with my in-laws on New Year’s Day as it is tradition to do so. Dinner was scrumtrelecent. By about 9:30PM, we’d eaten our fill several times over and were quickly destined for a food coma. We took our leave of my in-laws and headed home. The Nudge…