Jupiter BAM!

Finally a clear night with which to ponder the cosmos. It seems on the last night of June, the perpetual June Gloom decided to come to a close for the time being, thus ushering in July. (As far as I know, July has no mood that is commonly associated with it, hence I knew not…

Literary Lemmings

My advance-ordered “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” arrived on Saturday and so like the rest of America, England and worlds beyond, I am in the throws of it 800+ pages. Not to worry if you have not yet picked up your copy or are just beginning the book. I have no intention…

Moted Modem

This may truely be the worst thing ever. My Internet connection from home ist kaput. This is true for two days now. My whole world is crashing around me. In my dispare, I had to turn to regular old television for entertainment. I watch little television and what I tried to watch last night were…

Chiropractic Conundrum

The picture here has nothing to do with the following story lest it perhaps underscores the situation as a whole. It was just one of those odd little moments life likes to show off now and again. In this particular case, the advertisement bag holding the Sunday Times and the Times itself were in cahoots…

June Gloom, Telescope Doom

This June Gloom is seriously stifling my Astronomy evenings. I haven’t been able to look at anything since the Lunar Eclipse. The perma-overcast is also encroaching on my demeanor. I am in a constant state of being bummed out. Rumsfeld has raised my bummed out alert from yellow to orange based on some vague intellegence…

Theme Song To Clamhead.com

“Theme to Clamhead” by Lichterloh Beware – this is not for the faint of heart…or hearing. This project is starting to move into the “nothing is going right!” phase, so I thought is best to make a least a lo-fi version of it so my buddies can finally hear it. Now instead of “I want…