Aaron asked me to grab some stills of his new board (the P-volver) from the recent video footage. When I went back into iMovie to get them, I noticed that when I imported last weeks video that it also imported a bunch of video from a whole other day back in February. I’d totally forgotten about it! Mike had brought his tripod that day and he and I were goofing around with the camera testing features and what not.
There is some good footage in there too. It’s both awesome and cruel to see those wonderful winter lines. But it should be encouraging to everyone who has answered the most recent poll about how their summers surf is going that the good times will come again. (Nobody has answer in the positive yet.) Anyway, this should have been produced back in February, but now you are being treated to a surprise mid-week episode! Of course, because this is old footage, it got the iMovie Aged Film treatment – enjoy.
Support the band and buy the song:
Artist: Stereolab
Album: Cobra And Phases Group Play Voltage In The Milky Night
Song: Come Andy Play In The Milky Night