Happy birthday to The Nudge. He turns four today. I took him for an extra long skate, all the way up to the pier. And everyone we passed who said, “Hello!” or “What a pretty dog!” (usually big Orange County Chopper-like men who utter the latter), I would respond with “It’s his birthday!” I could see the look of confusion on everyone’s faces. They seemed to be thinking, “…his birthday? Now what did that dude think I said that made him reply with ‘Thanks. It’s his birthday?'”

We also ran into a dude from New Orleans (“Nawlins” he said) who chatted us up real good. He essentially talked on for about 30 minutes non-stop. He would come to a logical conclusion about one subject and without breaking say, “…and I’ll tell you another thing…” and carry on. Topics included (in this order):

  • Dogs
  • New Orleans (general)
  • Pasadena
  • New Orleans (slums)
  • Hurricanes
  • New Orleans (restaurants)
  • Architecture
  • Chino
  • New Orleans (“titty bars”)
  • New Orleans (“strip joints”) (separate subject)
  • The Shane Davis/Chad Hendrick Feud

The dude was totally awesome and I would have listened to him hours.

Also a big happy birthday goes out to my twin nieces who turn 13 today. 13?!?! No way.

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