Spammers are working at a furious pace to get my dollar. I have news for you, you wily turds, I am on to your shady tricks. I am going to try and save you some time (as well as save me the time of deleting 35 emails a day). Here is a list of things that I can assure you I do not need:
- Valium (aka val1ium, aka val1ium, aka va.lium)
- Viagra (aka v1agra, aka v)ia)gra, aka via gra, aka
- Cialis (I don’t even know what this one is.)
- Credit (My credit is fine.)
- Home Loan (I already have a house.)
- PC Software (I use an Apple computer and your pirated software is no good to me.)
- A Fake Passport (I am already convinced Bush & Co. are out to get me, I don’t want to put myself on any unnecessary hit lists.)
- Virility Patch (This comes in patch form now?)
- Human Growth Hormone (Not sure what this is for, but when I decide to get that tail, I’ll let you know.)
- University Diploma (Have one. It is accredited and everything.)
- Meds (This is name the government uses for “drugs” as “drugs” have a negative connotation. Oddly enough, we still go to the drug store to get our meds.)
- Help With His Problem (I think they meant to send this to my wife, Miranda Kopfschmertzen.)
- Fix My Bad Credit (See Credit)
Also, some one sent me this unsolicited message yesterday:
I don’t think I speak that language and sadly the email you used ( is not an email that can be replied to. So, if you are reading this, I am TOTALLY interested in rug, periwinkle and helga. Let me know. Thanks.