Dawn patrol at Beach Bowls today.  I thought I’d be avoiding the crowds by sneaking in to Beach early this morning.  And maybe I did, maybe the line-ups were loaded elsewhere.  Not that a dozen dudes is crowded, but usually there are only one or two other surfers out there.

Still, it was an excellent surf session today, my friends.  The water was warm and glassy.  The sun was rising over mountains.  The waves were finally taking on some shape today.  Good sized waves today too – multiple set waves in the four foot range.  But if you caught the right waves, there were even these lovely little barrels that you could siddle up into.  If I were British, I would probably describe today’s waves as “brilliant.”

I definitely needed some buddies out there to hoot and holler with.  I did strike up a conversation with one guy who had a board very similar to my Spherical Revolver.  He had just purchased it and was digging it already.  So I got to share in his inaugural runs, which was cool.  He definitely had the wave of the day too.  So cheers to that guy.

Stay tuned.  I’m going to head down to the US Open again today to get some more pics.

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