Thicker Than Water

Thicker Than WaterThicker than Water was a bit of a disappointment for me. After digging on The September Sessions, I was hoping for some more of that same magic (but a whole lot longer). But Thicker than Water just didn’t grab me. The film always seemed a bit lack-luster and the surfing wasn’t inspiring. It was good surfing to be sure, but either it wasn’t captured well on film or wasn’t presented well in the movie. And much like The September Sessions, the movie was just way too short at 45 minutes. It also seemed to be missing a central focus that I prefer in my surf films. More of a collection of footage, like a home movie. (Granted, it was a home movie of dudes who surf really well though.) I did enjoy the sequence in Great Britain. But that didn’t come until the end of the movie and they’d already lost me at that point. When I go to my surf film shelf and I have so many other great surf films to choose from, I don’t imagine I’m going to choose Thicker Than Water too often over the others.

But the soundtrack was awesome, which it to be expected from the likes of Jack Johnson, G. Love, The Meters and so on.

Pick up your copy of Thicker than Water from if you like.

Here’s the trailer just the same.


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