Sunny Days, Weak Waves

Another day of great weather/water, but mediocre waves. The waves were bigger than the last few days, some getting to the shoulder range, but none of the waves had any strength behind them. The sets would roll in, we’d get all excited, we’d paddle our hearts out then – poof! The waves would just disappear…

All These Small Days

What can we do with all these small days?  It’s kind of funny, actually.  Looking at the reports beforehand, surf conditions looked grim.  Driving into the parking lot, the surf still looked bleak.  Even walking out to the water, there wasn’t much hope.  Yet, while we were out there, Josh, Mike, Nabil and myself had…

Surfing One Foot Days

El Porto Thursdays?  Due to scheduling, we had to move up this week’s El Porto Friday a day.  Lucky for you, it was a raging one to tow feet out there and we had the video camera.  Forget, Riding Giants and all that other big wave hooha, this is the future of surfing. There wasn’t…

Swimming With Manatees

I totally swam with manatees. Dude, let me tell you, it was awesome and surreal.  It is completely in the wild, not a tank or enclosed area, so even seeing a manatee, let alone swimming with one, is not a guaranteed or even a likely scenario.  Worst still, summer is the low season for manatee…