Picaresque by Mikey DeTemple

T677-KM-HSF-PIC-00_150_boxPeter loaned me this DVD the other day and I finally had a chance to check it out. My goodness, is this a super cool surf movie.  I have enjoyed Thomas Campbell’s films Seedling, Sprout & the Present, and like those three movies, Picaresque is pretty much about logging with some other boards mixed in.  These dudes shred on their longboards in California & Mexico, the East Coast, and other places that take longer to get to like France and Costa Rica. Incredible nose riding abounds in this film,  and the music in the movie is really cool, too.

Besides the really stylish riding that you’ll find in any surf movie, there are 2 sequences that I really thought were awesome.  One is a late night sesh in an artificial wave tank. (If I was a billionaire, I’d have one installed in my backyard right next to the squash court.) The other sequence features a board shaper who takes an old clunky log, peels the fiberglass off of it and uses the foam to shape a leaner, meaner board.  Then they take it out and absolutely shred on it.  I have a feeling that Peter will be giving this a try in the near future, because he wants to start shaping boards.

Check it out


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