Birthday Surf

Poseidon brought me sweet birthday waves today.  Not only were they great size and shape, but they were consistent as well.  Even with the crowds, nobody was want for a waves.  I surfed until my arms gave out.  And I got to test out a new Harbour prototype board.  It’s a kind of thruster biscuit…

Drizzly Porto

Josh, Sean and I showed up for a drizzle El Porto Friday.  The swell is coming straight in to shore, so we were treated to a morning of nasty closeouts – dangerous and fun.  Josh was nuts out there today.  Every time I was paddling back out, I’d see him paddle into the biggest, most…

Day Two at Leo Carrillo

More of the same – Perfect rights.  I spent another 4 hour session out in the water.  Today though I tried the Junod instead of the Revolver.  More power turns, less cheater-fives.  I was so engrossed in surfing that I forgot to take a picture, but I did grab this one from Surfline which depicts…

First Time at Leo Carrillo

I went camping with the wife and friends at Leo Carrillo State Beach this weekend.  I’d surfed a few different spots around Malibu, but never Leo.  The forecast was showing that the pumping swell from the week should have been dying off, but it was not so.  Both Friday and Saturday were perfection.  I’d brought…

The Golden Day

I think today is going to be the apex of this current wave pulse.  And it was glorious.  Shoulder-to-head high waves, glassy water, light breeze, short period, frolicking dolphins… The water was so clear this morning that I could see my shadow under the water on the sand about 10-12 feet down. I caught 3…

Stormy Skies?

There was a disturbance in the force today.  The morning started out with a fair amount of wind, so the water was choppy right from dawn.  The waves were angrier than yesterday as well, harder to predict. I didn’t have the success on the Chuck Dent today that I had yesterday either, but that’s to…