Like iTunes For Surf Movies
So this seems kind of cool. If you are looking for surf movies to watch, here’s a great way to do it – The Surf Network. The Surf Network works much like iTunes, allowing for digital downloads of purchases and rentals specifically for surf movies. (When you go to their website, you’ll notice a stunning similarity to the old iTunes design.) Furthermore, all the movies are iTunes compatible, so you can watch them on your iPhone and iPod Touch. Better still, the price is right with rentals at $5 and purchases in the $10-$15 range, seeing as how most surf DVDs cost around $30.
It’s also a great way to just look for new surf movies. Each of the films has a preview so you can check it out a bit before you put any money down. I’ve found a few movies I’ve never even heard of before that I’m interested in seeing. I’m thinking of watching Perch.