Birthdays and Surprises
First off, let’s all send our happiest birthday wishes to Taube who is turning not-thirty today. Happy birthday, hippie.
Next I would like to thank all involved in my surprise birthday party. I totally didn’t see it coming. Also a big thanks to all the generous gifts given to me by the lovely people at the party. So much stuff for the tiki room! (An upcoming entry will highlight all the awesomeness that were my gifts.)
I’ve never had a surprise party before so this was very exciting. The strangest bit though was the realization that I was walking into a situation not of my design. My nephew turned one and we had a party for him. (His birthday is the day after mine. He had a party to celebrate the Saturday following his actual birthday.) After Mr. Potato Head’s party my nieces successfully distracted me for 30 minutes or so. Then they brought me into my mom’s house, where I thought I would collect my wife, Miranda Kopfschmertzen and head home. But when I walked into the living room strangeness was afoot. My sister-in-law and nephew were playing on the stairs, my parents-in-law were near the kitchen, Taube creepily emerged from the hallway and friends from yore were in the family room. Now rather than put all the clues together and come up the correct answer – surprise part, my brain totally misfired from seeing all these faces from different parts of my life in a the context of my mom’s house were few of them normally belonged. Luckily, they all yelled “SURPRISE!”, then sang “Happy Birthday” to me…so I figured it out.
But to all involved, especially my wonderful wife, thank you so very much. I totally dug it and had an awesome time.